Pay easily (online) without the need of a charge card
Is a charge card still necessary nowadays? We don't think so. Charge cards are an obstacle to widespread e-mobility in Europe. Maxem tackles this barrier with Maxem Direct Payment. This in addition to the acceptance of normal charge cards. Easily accept all common forms of payment at your charge points. Using a terminal or by QR code online.

Accepteer alle betaalvormen via een terminal of online
But then really all payment methods. From Maestro to Apple Pay, from Visa to MasterCard. This is a superior charging experience, especially for visitors from outside the Netherlands. At Zonnepark Carport Bloemendaal the use of Maxem Direct Payment in addition to the standard charge card functionality is therefore perceived as an optimization of user-friendliness.

Communiceer heldere tarieven en genereer een hogere omzet
Your customers know exactly what the rate is in advance. This is unknown with normal charge cards, because a charge card provider often charges a high margin per transaction - up to 20% in extreme cases. With Maxem Direct Payment this is a thing of the past. You charge a fixed rate. Your customers pay less, and you as a charge point owner earn more.